Mirivorus rhacopleura
- Kingdom
- Papyrae
- Division
- Chartoniphyta
- Class
- Occlupanopsida
- Order
- Ephemerodectales
- Family
- Toxodentaceae
- Genus
- Mirivorus
- Species
- M. rhacopleura
- External morphology
Small lateral palps, notches, and tufts Size 21.5 mm x 23.3 mm.
Discovered in by Kurisu (FORC) in Sydney, Australia on bags of Helga’s and Cole’s Finest sliced bread products. Yellow, orange and white are the only color morphs found so far. Competes with occlupanopsid Peratrox subtilis for habitat. P. subtilis is becoming harder to find, and it is possible that M. rhacopleura may be successfully edging out its competitor, driving it to extinction.