Outside Contributions
and Independent Studies

The Holotypic Occlupanid Research Group continues to attract attention from amateur scientists from around the globe who wish to contribute to our body of knowledge. Expedition reports, observations, dissertations, even alternate theories are carefully vetted by our office of public outreach, held to the high scientific standard that HORG itself adheres to.

Recent Reports
Ammon, M. Discovery of new specimens and species of Occlupanida (Haplognathidae, Toxodentidae & Tridentidae) in the Metropolitan Perth region. Perth, Australia 2013

Andrews, K. Field Notes on the Occlupanids of Santa Cruz County, California. Santa Cruz Journal of Occlupanology. Santa Cruz California, USA 2016

Huning, C Findings From Examination of DWORC Collection. Dry Water Occlupanid Research Center. San Leandro CA, USA 2019

Kurisu. Occlupanids in Hong Kong: Species diversity, rarity, distribution, hosts, and more. Foundation for Occlupanology Research and Communication. Hong Kong, 2021 (revised 2022)

Muller, D. Preliminary Findings in the Evolutionary Development of Class Occlupanida South Africa 2013

Observations and Errata

Williams, R. Occlupanid Symbiotic Swarm? Meaculina Valley, USA 2013

Eliot, N. Occlupanids in Edinburgh. Edinburgh, Scotland 1999